What type of BUTTERFLIES are you trying to attract?
Monarch, Swallowtails, Cabbage, Painted, Admiral, Cresent, Sulphers, Karner Blue, Copper, Ermine, Fritillary, Skipper, Banded Tiger, Wood Nymph, Silkmoths, Geometer, CornBorermoth, Hawkmoth, Leopard moth, Imperial moth, 1o MOTH, sphynxmoth, tulip moth, zebramoth, Luna Moth,
What NECTAR and HOST plants are in your garden?
Milkweed, Lupines, Dill, Parsley, BokChoy, Cabbage, Phlox, Iris, BlackEyeSusan, Lily of the Valley, Daylily, Mustard, Lambs Ear, wild Grapes, Blackberries, Strawberries, Catalpa, Cottonwood, Oak, Hickory, Cherry, Walnut, Tulip Trees, conifers, pines, cedars. Gladiola, Agave, Roses, Goldenrod, Tansy, sedum, redbud, Russian olive, violets, troutlily, cowslips, clovers, asters, bee balm, cat mint, golden alexander, chickweed, jewelweed, spiderwort, poison ivy, sumac, lupine, holly, bittersweet, dogbane, hazelnut, witchhazel, sassafrass, etc