What type of BUTTERFLIES are you trying to attract?
Primarily monarchs, but all are welcome! We were coached on how to create a Monarch Waystation by the Xerces Society and are registered with them.
What NECTAR and HOST plants are in your garden?
New Jersey Tea, Prairie Coreopsis, Tall Larkspur, Pale purple coneflower, Prairie Smoke, Button Blazing Star, Bradbury’s Monarda, Foxglove Beardtongue, Orange Coneflower (as well as other colors – deep red & fuschia), Royal Catchfly, Aromatic Aster, Little Bluestem, lots of milkweed, Ironweed, butterfly weed, butterfly bush, thistle, zinnia, marigold. (would love to post pictures however attempts to upload pictures freezes my laptop. Will happily send pictures via email.)