What type of BUTTERFLIES are you trying to attract?
Monarch, Viceroy, Red Admiral, Little Yellow, Eastern Tailed-Blue, Common Buckeye, Aphrodite, Silver-Bordered and Meadow Fritillary, Red Spotted Purple, Eastern Tiger, Black, Zebra, Spicebush Swallowtail, Painted and American Lady, Cabbage White, Orange Sulpher, Eastern Comma.
What NECTAR and HOST plants are in your garden?
2 – Buddleia (Butterfly Bush) “Miss Molly”
3 – Ilex Verticillata (winterberry) “Red Sprite” female.
1 – Ilex Verticillata (winterberry) “Jim Dandy” male
5 – Echinacea (coneflower) “Prairie splendor”.
5 – Echinacea (coneflower) “Ruby star“.
5 – Aster “New England” “Purple Dome.”
5 – Aster “New England” “Pink Crush.”
9 – amsonia hubrichtii, “blue star”.
5 – Pycnanthemum muticum.
15 – Asclepias Tuberosa – “tangerine”
7 – Asclepias Tuberosa “Hello Yellow.”
5 – Monarda didyma (Bee Balm) “Jacob Cline”.
7 – Solidago Rugosa “Fireworks” Yellow.