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Pebble Hill Pollinator Garden 219

Garden # 219 - 

1251 HWY 319, 



Located in the Pebble Hill Plantation Kitchen Garden, the pollinator garden was developed as an educational resource for school group tours and visitors to learn more about the importance of providing garden habitats for pollinators and wildlife. The pollinator garden includes host plants, nectar sources, and shelter for butterflies and other important pollinators.

Pebble Hill Plantation is a historic home with a history dating back to the early 1800s. The plantation was established by one of Thomas County’s founders, Thomas Jefferson Johnson. At the turn of the 20th century, the Hanna family of Cleveland, Ohio purchased the property and enjoyed it as their winter home and sporting estate. Pebble Hill has been open for tours since October 1983 due to the generosity of its last owner, Elisabeth “Pansy” Ireland Poe, who willed that her property be opened to the public. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places, Pebble Hill offers visitors the chance to learn the rich history of this historic site and the people who once lived and worked here. For more information, visit: .

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