What type of BUTTERFLIES are you trying to attract?
Western Tiger Swallowtail: already on site
Zebra Swallowtail: already on site
Painted Ladies: already on site
Mourning Cloak: already on site
Commas: already on site
Cabbage Whites: already on site
Great Spangled Fritillary: already on site
What NECTAR and HOST plants are in your garden?
Host: Asclepias Iincarnata: Swamp Milkweed; Asclepias speciosa: Showy Milkweed; Asclepias tuberosa: butterfly weed.
Parsley; Dill, Fennel, Violets, Birch Trees
Nectar: goldenrod, petunia, shasta daisy, salvia, ferns, mint, lavender, catnip, chives, yarrow, bee balm, black-eyed Susan, bleeding heart, gaillardia, liatris, buttercup, pincushion, Joe-Pye weed, lilacs, sage, basil, phlox, coneflower, stonecrop, lantana, zinnias, asters, cardinal flower, columbine, marigold, butterfly bush;
We have over 300 trees: our tree sap is also food for Mourning Cloak and other butterflies.