You are invited to register your pollinator friendly garden.

Gale Family Garden

 - #1395



What type of BUTTERFLIES are you trying to attract?

We attract many! Our Tulip Poplars host Tiger Swallowtails. Our fennel, parsley and Golden Alexander host Eastern Black Swallowtail. Our 4 types of milkweed support Monarchs. Our passionflower vines host Gulf Fritillary and Variegated Fritillary. Our Senna supports Cloudless Sulphur. And moths are very important pollinators too! Our natural landscape attracts and allows many moth species to complete their life cycle here on our mature Pin Oak, Hickory and Black Gum and cherry trees.

What NECTAR and HOST plants are in your garden?

Oops. I already listed host plants in previous question. Will here again. Milkweed, Golden Alexander, Fennel, Parsley, Senna, Purple passionflower are some hosts. For nectaring we have buddleia, mountain mint, lantana, lambs ear, blue mist, swamp sunflower, dahlia, Mexican petunia, Mexican sage, and cat mint. We have plans to add several new nectar plants in the spring.