You are invited to register your pollinator friendly garden.

Peggy’s PA Hummingbird Haven Gardens

 - #1569



What type of BUTTERFLIES are you trying to attract?

All that are in Pennsylvania in my area…Monarch, swallow tails, its all i have really seen here

What NECTAR and HOST plants are in your garden?

Milkweed,coneflowers,cleome,lillies,daylilys,hibiscus,liatris,rhododendrons,azalia,mock orange bush,hydrangeas,lilacs,iris,hyacinth bean vines,columbine,daffodils,crocuses,hosta,sparkling sapphires,peonies,yuccas,2 different clematis vines,tiger lily trees,balloon flowers,poker plants,several lupines,merigolds,cypress vines,foxglove,malva,cockscomb..several rose of sharon trees and lots of other young trees….