You are invited to register your pollinator friendly garden.

pHreds Flower Plot 1006

 - #1006



What type of BUTTERFLIES are you trying to attract?

Monarchs, swallowtail, and any and all other moths & butterflies that want to hang out!

What NECTAR and HOST plants are in your garden?

Host Plants: Swamp milkweed, Red maple, weeping Yaupon holly, dogwood, yucca, parsley
Nectar Plants: phlox, verbena, zinnia, bee balm, purple coneflower, perennial hibiscus, marigold, canna Lillies, prickly pear cactus, Alstromeria
Other flowering plants (partial list): hydrangea, blueberry bushes, calla lillies, rhododendrum, hasta, beauty berry, daffodils, amaryllis, Alaskan daisies, sage, thyme, chives, basil, oregano, rosemary, mint, day Lillies, iris, lenten rose