You are invited to register your pollinator friendly garden.

Georgia Private Gardens Map

We have done our best to make the maps work on mobile devices, however this page is best viewed on a computer screen or on a tablet in landscape mode.

To protect people's privacy, private gardens are marked only in the city and state and zip code of their location. Please do not use this map to find a garden. You can find the public gardens on the Public Garden Map.


  • Use the search box to find a city or garden name.
  • Use filters to narrow your results or to view by state.
  • Click and hold map to move location
  • Double click on map to zoom in, use zoom control in lower right corner to zoom in or out (on mobile devices use 2 fingers).
  • Click on the “Reset” button to start over.

More Gardens

Public Butterfly Gardens in Plains, GA

In-ground garden with iron butterflies

Starting with Rosalynn Carter’s home in Plains, GA, see the list of neighbors, churches and businesses that started the trail inspiring this nation-wide effort.

School Butterfly Gardens

Sumter Middle School Garden

School gardens provide hands on experiences about habitat for pollinators.

Public Butterfly Gardens

Public Gardens

Check out the growing list of public libraries, governments, businesses, nonprofit organizations and churches who have planted gardens welcoming butterflies across the country!

Private Butterfly Gardens Outside Georgia

Private Gardens

Individuals and families who have planted butterfly gardens in their own backyards and private properties. Are you listed?

Private Butterfly Gardens in Georgia

Individuals and families who have planted butterfly gardens in their own backyards and private properties. Are you listed?